

Join in weekly men’s or women’s small group FOCUS Bible studies, 一对一的辅导, 奖学金一次, 以及领导力培训.  Started in 1998 at 本笃会的大学, the Fellowship of Catholic University Students challenges students to live out chastity, 清醒, and excellence and equips students to live and defend their faith.  任务aries at 本尼迪克特ine strive to bring the truth and love of Jesus Christ to campus. Students of all faiths are welcome.  For more information, please contact 伦纳德·古铁雷斯.


This fraternal organization meets monthly and is open to all practicing Catholic men. The mission of members is to take a leadership role in a wide variety of ministries that serve both the Church and community. Most of the work is charitable. Those who belong give freely of their time to the Church and the community. For more information, contact the 哥伦布骑士会.


Join 本笃会的大学 Ministry as we trek to the holy places on the great high plains. Local pilgrimages include traveling to the tomb of Mother Bridget Hayden in Saint Paul, KS, 圣礼拜堂. Philipine Duchesne, south of Kansas City, Fr. Kapaun, near Wichita, and beautiful churches and grottos. 联系 传福音的团队 了解更多信息.



St. Paul’s Outreach (SPO) households host a time prayer various times throughout the week. For more information please contact 杰西卡·阿克曼.


Traditional Catholic processions are held on campus. Eucharistic processions celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King and Spring 服务 Day. Marian processions to 玛丽的洞穴 celebrate major Marian feasts 包括玛丽的出生, Feast of the 圣灵感孕说, 可能最高, and the Baccalaureate March of Light. For more information, contact the 教堂的团队.


Our mission is to celebrate Jesus’ mother Mary, 瓜达卢佩圣母, 美洲的守护神, 以及她在圣. 胡安·迭戈在墨西哥城报道. 联系 教堂的团队 了解更多信息.

圣职与圣. 本笃十六世的修道院

All students are invited to join the monks in praying the Divine Office:

Monday-Friday 周六 周日
Eucharistic Adoration Holy Hour – 7:00 p.m.

Divine Office with 山 St. Scholastica修道院

801 S. 8日圣.堪萨斯州艾奇逊66002

All students are invited to join the sisters in praying the Divine Office:

Monday-Friday 周六 周日
6:30 a.m. ——晨祷
12:45 p.m. ——午间赞美
5:30 p.m. ——晚间赞美
8:45 a.m. ——晨祷
12:45 p.m. ——午间赞美
6:30 p.m. ——晚间赞美
8:45 a.m. ——晨祷
12:30 p.m. ——午间赞美
5:00 p.m. ——晚间赞美


十字架的车站 are offered during Lent at 3 p.m. 星期五下午. A guide to the Stations is available all year round in the back of St. 马丁的教堂. Students are also invited to pray at the outdoor stations behind St. 本笃十六世的修道院. 联系 哥伦布骑士会 了解更多信息.


The 念珠 given to us by our Blessed Mother is very close to the heart of 本笃会的大学. Rosaries are said in the residence halls as well as at scheduled times in St. 马丁的教堂. President Minnis leads a Raven 念珠 for the College at 7:30 a.m. 每周三在St. 圣约瑟夫教堂. 本尼迪克特修道院的地下室.  All members of the community are invited to attend. 联系 教堂的团队 了解更多信息.

St的扁圆. 本尼迪克特

Students are invited to become oblates. 圣. 本尼迪克特 is any Christian who wishes to follow the Holy Rule of St. 本尼迪克特 closely in his or her own life. Oblates are encouraged to pray part of the Liturgy of the Hours and spend time each day in Holy reading. Oblates meet once a month with the Director of Oblates for spiritual enrichment.  After one year of formation students may choose to make final oblation; which is to give of one’s self to the oblate way of life, 在什么时候?. 本笃十六世的修道院 or 山 St. Scholastica becomes a spiritual home for the oblate. 检查 or 修道院 websites for complete information.


St. 马丁的教堂

St. Martin’s is the spiritual heart of the 本笃会的大学 worshipping community. Located on the ground floor of St. 马丁纪念堂, this chapel is the location for adoration from Monday to Friday from 1-9:00 p.m.


玛丽的洞穴 is located in the center of the 本笃会的大学 campus and offers a moment of peace and joy to students on their way to and from class. Candles are available for intentions. The Grotto is the destination for all processions held on Marian feast days, 包括玛丽的出生, 圣灵感孕说, 以及玛丽的加冕礼. Click here 了解更多信息.

St. 本笃修道院教堂

The 修道院 Church is the largest church on campus. Its tower is the highest point and rises over Christ in the Eucharist. It is the location of all the major student Masses, including 周日 student Masses at 10 a.m. 8p.m. 平日的弥撒在下午5:15.m. Confession is available an hour before each of these Masses. The 修道院 Church also hosts a 周六 night Holy Hour from 8-9 p.m. Click here 了解更多信息.


瓜达卢佩圣母教堂 is located in the Crypt of the 修道院 Church. This space is where daily mass is celebrated Monday to Friday at 5:30pm. This place also hosts retreats, special events, vigil for life and weekly praise and worship.

St. 约瑟夫教堂

St. 约瑟夫教堂 is located in the back of the Crypt of the 修道院 Church. This space has no regular mass schedule but Christ in the Eucharist is present. This chapel hosts retreats, special events, and prayer groups.

Outdoor 十字架的车站

位于St后面. 本笃十六世的修道院, the 十字架的车站 follow the journey of Christ’s Passion as they wind along a path following the Missouri River

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